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  • The solemnity of Corpus Domini ... leads us to the Upper Room, helping us live the spiritual climate of that night, celebrating Passover with his disciples; the Lord through the mystery anticipated the sacrifice that would be consumed the next day on the cross.

    RORATE CAELI... Catholic Mom of 10 2009

  • The solemnity of Corpus Domini is celebrated in Italy and in various countries today.

    Archive 2008-05-25 papabear 2008

  • Dear brothers and sisters, may the feast of Corpus Domini be an occasion to grow in this concrete attention to our brothers, especially the poor.

    Archive 2008-05-25 papabear 2008

  • Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam.

    Waiting for Snow in Havana Carlos Eire 2003

  • I had the distinct impression that everyone in that church had their eyes fixed on me, including the guy in the funny robes, who was no longer whispering “Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi…”

    Waiting for Snow in Havana Carlos Eire 2003

  • We prefer to seek the coincidence of opposites, the infolding of the flame and the rose, the melding of face and chalice, head and pew, Corpus Domini and YAAAHHH!

    Waiting for Snow in Havana Carlos Eire 2003

  • Corpus Domini, and receives its name from the popular custom of spreading flowers upon the pavements of the streets so as to represent heraldic devices, figures, arabesques, and all sorts of ornamental designs.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860 Various

  • As Lucretia felt oppressed in Castle Vecchio, and yearned for the free air, she removed October 8th, accompanied by the entire court, to the convent of Corpus Domini.

    Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day Ferdinand Gregorovius

  • Corpus Domini, July 15, 1575; Francesco finally became Marchese of

    Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day Ferdinand Gregorovius

  • Close to this square is the church of Corpus Domini, with the interior encrusted with beautiful marble, and ornamented with frescoes and gilding.

    The South of France—East Half C. B. Black


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